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Características del producto

Tipo de amplificador: Cabezal

Tipos de alimentación: 220 volts

Potencia de salida (RMS): 120 W

Tecnología del amplificador: Valvular

Características generales

Marshall Randy Rhoads 1959RR


Tipo de amplificador
Tecnología del amplificador
Tipos de alimentación
220 volts
Instrumentos recomendados
Guitarra, Viola
Potencia de salida (RMS)
120 W


El equipo esta en impecable estado como se ve en las fotos,

ALTHOUGH MARSHALL HAD been making amps with master volume controls since 1975, Rhoads preferred the original Non-Master 100-watt 1959 Super Lead model with four inputs, which Marshall made until 1981, when it was replaced by the 1959 JCM800. The 1959RR is a two-channel 100-watt head powered by a quartet of EL34 tubes (just like Randy’s U.K.-built original) with volume controls for each channel and a single set of presence, treble, mid and bass controls shared by both channels.

The modification cascades both halves of the first ECC83 tube (a.k.a., 12AX7) in the preamp circuit, feeding the output from the first stage into the second stage’s input instead of using each half separately as an input buffer for each channel. This allows the volume I knob to function like a master volume while the volume II knob operates like gain control when a guitar is plugged into the channel II inputs, producing much more preamp gain and saturated distortion than a stock 1959 Super Lead head. If you prefer the stock Super Lead sound, plug into the channel I inputs, which aren’t affected by the cascade modification.

Like an original 1959 Super Lead head, the 1959RR’s rear panel is about as sparse at it gets. There are two speaker output jacks, an output impedance selector switch with 4-, 8- and 16-ohm settings and a mains selector switch that lets you select 120 volts (U.S.) or 220 volts (U.K., Europe) input voltage.

With its white “elephant” vinyl covering, black Marshall logo, white piping and black corner protectors, the 1959RR looks almost identical to Randy’s original amp as well. The only details missing are the ring from a can of Coke that Randy set on the amp, a few stray pieces of duct tape and general wear and tear.

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Si, 3900 dólares